[Eric] Eric suspends itself

Jarda Benkovsky edheldil001 at eowyn.cz
Tue Feb 3 14:06:51 GMT 2009

Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> On Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2009, Jarda Benkovsky wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have just tried to install the latest snapshot of eric4 on FreeBSD7.
>> When I run it from a terminal, Eric immediately suspends itself and I
>> have to send it SIGCONT to wake it up. No such problem when starting
>> from gnome panel. Is it an intended feature?
> No and never heard of it before. Can you try to debug it, please?
Not much of a debugging, but:
The problem is caused by these lines in UI/UserInterface.py, cca line 800:

        # Create the terminal
        self.terminalDock = self.__createDockWindow("TerminalDock")
        self.terminal = Terminal(self.viewmanager, self.terminalDock)
                             self.terminal, self.trUtf8("Terminal"))

If I comment the Terminal() line (and pass None in the next one), 
everything is OK, else eric suspends a moment afterwards. These are 
processes in suspended state, run from terminal:

 1001 96408 93381  24  99  0 58188 46460 select T     p2    0:01.45 
/usr/local/bin/python /usr/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages/eric4/eric4.py
 1001 96415 96408   0  96  0  4388  2256 -      T     p2    0:00.01 bash -i

If I send SIGKILL to the bash process, I can then SIGCONT eric and it 
starts normally. When I first SIGCONT eric without killing bash, it 
suspends again.

When I start eric from gnome panel etc., it starts, but the bash process 
consumes all available CPU before I SIGKILL it.

I have terminal window turned off in eric, btw.

I have this behaviour with:

on FreeBSD7


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