[Eric] Re: eric4 edge mode problems

James Pearson xiong.chiamiov at gmail.com
Wed Mar 4 05:58:16 GMT 2009

To add some more information I found while playing around with things:

The tab delimiters suffer from the same problem, as illustrated here:
The code is indented 3 spaces, and eric is set to use 3-space indents, but
it ends up at roughly 1.5 spaces per supposed indent.  The number of
indents, however, is calculated correctly.

Also, background-color changing of lines longer than 80 columns works
correctly.  It's definitely something with the drawing of lines, rather than
the calculation of line-length.

James Pearson
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
 - Alan Kay
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tv-(--) b+>+++ DI+(++) D G e>++ h- r y- [http://tinyurl.com/23uv8t]
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