[Eric] PyLint plugin not producing any output

Dan Bullok dan.eric at bullok.com
Mon Nov 30 23:30:09 GMT 2009

On advice from Mikhail Terekhov, I put an empty __init__.py file in the same 
directory as my project.  PyLint works properly now.  I don't really 
understand this requirement, as I run PyLint on single files from the command 
line all the time.  And if it is a requirement, then it should definitely be 
stated clearly in the PyLint dialog that it only works on packages, and 
suggest that the user put an empty __init__.py file in the project directory 
if they are not already working on a package.

On Sunday 29 November 2009 20:20:05 Dan Bullok wrote:
> The PyLint plugin isn't working for me.  When using "Show Result Dialog",
>  it always says "No PyLint errors found." in the pylint dialog.  When using
>  "Generate Textreport" or "Generate HTML Report", it always produces a file
>  with zero length.  I'm using PyLint plugin 4.1.4.  I get the same results
>  with Eric 4.3.9 and 4.4-snapshot-20091129.
> When running "pylint --version" I get the following output:
> pylint 0.18.0,
> astng 0.19.0, common 0.39.0
> Python 2.6.4 (r264:75706, Nov  2 2009, 14:44:17)
> [GCC 4.4.1]
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