[Eric] ANN: New eric 4.4 snapshot released

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sun Sep 13 14:32:29 BST 2009


I'd like to inform all of you about the immediate availability of a new eric 
4.4 snapshot. It fixes a few bugs and adds these new features.

- added a little icon editor tool
- added an option to the find file dialog to open the first hit automatically
- added option to toggle breakpoints from off to permannet to temporary to off
  (patch provided by Michele Petrazzo)
- removed Qt3 support from eric4
- updated the QColorDialog wizard for Qt 4.5
- made some font attributes configurable for Terminal and Shell
- added menu entries to copy the file or directory name to the clipboard to
  the various browsers
- added a little context menu to the find files dialog
- updated coverage.py to version 3.0.1

It is available via 

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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