[Eric] ** Re: Setting up a project of examples

Larry Shaffer larrys at dakotacarto.com
Tue Jan 12 03:13:04 GMT 2010

Hi again David,

The most Mac-like way to do this, since eric4 does not accept file drops on
its Dock icon, is to create a project, then add the files to the project's
folder. Under Preferences/Project->Search options check the appropriate
automatic settings you would like. You can also choose 'Add source files...'
from the contextual menu in the Project-Viewer.

Another method is to drag existing files to the main editor window (accepts
drops), or open files through the Open commands/toolbar icons etc., or copy
paste to a new file (double-click in dead space on 'tab' bar for quick new
file), then control-click on the loaded file's tab and choose 'Save to
Project,' which will offer to save it to the project directory.

You'll want to have your tutorial files saved in a project, since the
Project-Viewer will then parse the files and show you their structure. There
doesn't seem to be a class/module browser for randomly loaded files in eric4
(but some recent talk about it). Plus, all of your project state is saved in
.eric4project in the project folder, like debugger sessions, breakpoints,
expressions, etc.


> From: David Arnold <dwarnold45 at suddenlink.net>
> Date: Mon, 11 Jan 2010 18:35:02 -0800
> To: "eric at riverbankcomputing.com" <eric at riverbankcomputing.com>
> Subject: [Eric] Setting up a project of examples
> All,
> Suppose that I'd like to work through the examples at:
> http://zetcode.com/tutorials/pyqt4/
> Could I set up a single project, add these files one at a time (I don't plan
> to use Qt Designer first time through), and test them.
> Can folks suggest a good way to configure this in Eric4? Be patient, as I've
> just started with Eric4.
> David.
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