[Eric] Adding to the list of python keywords

detlev detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Wed Mar 3 17:56:43 GMT 2010

On Dienstag, 2. März 2010, Sourish Basu wrote:
> On Freitag, 26. Februar 2010, detlev wrote:
> On Freitag, 26. Februar 2010, Phil Thompson wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Feb 2010 18:28:24 +0100, detlev <detlev at die-offenbachs.de>
> wrote:
> On Freitag, 26. Februar 2010, Sourish Basu wrote:
> Hi All,
>     Is it possible to the list of python keywords that Eric4
> highlights (such as 'def', 'if', 'else', and so on)? For example, I
> would like to get Eric4 to color 'self', 'True' and 'False' with the
> same color as, for example, 'def' or 'None'. Is it possible to do
> that?
>     I used to be able to do that when I used Komodo Edit, but then I
> quite using Komodo Edit for other reasons.
> As far as I know that is not supported by QScintilla.
> Just sub-class QsciLexerPython and reimplement keywords().
> Phil
> Thanks for the hint. I'll add it to the wish list.
> This feature has been implemented and will be part of the next eric5
>  snapshot.

I don't know, if they include snapshot releases.

>  Any idea when this will make it to the Debian/Ubuntu repo's? I installed
>  eric4 from there, and would prefer to update it from the repo.
>  Also, when you say that the feature has been implemented, do you mean that
>  'self', 'True' and 'False' now have highlighted colors, or do you mean
>  that there is a new feature enabling users to choose their own keywords?

The default is the keyword list implemented by QScintilla. However, there is a 
configuration dialog, that allows the user to modify this list (add/delete). 


>  -Sourish

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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