[Eric] ANN: eric 4.5.0 released

detlev detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sat Feb 4 15:49:55 GMT 2012


I just uploaded eric 4.5.0. It is a feature release fixing some bugs. It 
contains these new features.

- Platforms
  -- Mac OS X is now an officially supported platform
- Editor
  -- Improved highlighter styles configuration
  -- Added configurable file filters
  -- Added configuration option for new QScintilla releases
  -- Enhanced template auto-completion
  -- Added capability to change keywords of the highlighters
- Email dialog
  -- Added function to check the login data
- Project
  -- Added forms generation support for PySide and Python3 Qt projects
- Subversion interfaces
  -- Diff context menu entry for the status dialog
  -- Made status dialog more universal (you can add, remove, commit,... from 
  -- Added a filter on status to the status dialog
- Tools
  -- Enhanced source browser and source documentor
- Web-Browser
  -- Improved proxy configuration
  -- Added more default search engines
  -- Improved handling of mouse buttons 3 and 4 (back/forward in history)

It is available via the eric web site.


Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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