[Eric] Error 3 on Eric5 installation on Windows7

Emad Ahmed emadahmed2010 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 15:32:36 GMT 2012

But I don't need "change mode" in windows like I need it in linux and I am
the only user in the computer hence I am the administrator and have all
the privileges already when running a command. And moreover Eric5 folder
accepts new files added during compilation and increase in size so no
administrator privileges problem in writing to that folder.
I tried to install from the Command Prompt and I tried to install from the
IDLE (Python 3.2 GUI) but both ways didn't work.
While Eric4 installed perfectly exactly in the same way, but Eric5 stubborn
and wants only to compile not to install.
If you know what argument I should pass or what I should do then please
tell me because really I don't know.

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 5:42 AM, Detlev Offenbach
<detlev at die-offenbachs.de>wrote:

> Am Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2012, 04:30:34 schrieb Emad Ahmed:
> > I started IDLE (Python 3.2 GUI) from File --> Open --> install.py in
> Eric5
> > folder --> run module, same as I did before to install Eric4 on Python
> 2.7
> > And tried also from the Command Prompt change directory to Eric5 and then
> > python --> install.py
> > No path needed to be passed and Eric4 installed in the same way and works
> > just fine.
> > What path required please ?
> If you just install with python install.py the installation will be done in
> the globl Python directory (e.g. C:\\Python2.7). This needs write
> permission
> in this directory. If you don't have theses, you may install eric in
> another
> directory. Enter python install.py --help for details.
> Detlev
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