[Eric] Error 3 on Eric5 installation on Windows7

Emad Ahmed emadahmed2010 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 19:53:39 GMT 2012

I keep all Eric5 files  and extracted material enclosed in one folder and
Python 3.2 in another separate folder and add it to the path. So what I do
is 2 steps

cd c:\eric5
python install.py

That was what I did previously with Eric4.

But from the command you wrote   "c:\\Python32\python.exe install.py"
it looks to me that you put Eric5 extracted stuff loose inside python32
folder. Is that true ? Is that how it goes with Eric5 installation ?

On Wed, Feb 22, 2012 at 1:35 PM, Detlev Offenbach
<detlev at die-offenbachs.de>wrote:

> Am Mittwoch, 22. Februar 2012, 10:32:36 schrieb Emad Ahmed:
> > But I don't need "change mode" in windows like I need it in linux and I
> am
> > the only user in the computer hence I am the administrator and have all
> > the privileges already when running a command. And moreover Eric5 folder
> > accepts new files added during compilation and increase in size so no
> > administrator privileges problem in writing to that folder.
> > I tried to install from the Command Prompt and I tried to install from
> the
> > IDLE (Python 3.2 GUI) but both ways didn't work.
> > While Eric4 installed perfectly exactly in the same way, but Eric5
> stubborn
> > and wants only to compile not to install.
> > If you know what argument I should pass or what I should do then please
> > tell me because really I don't know.
> I usually install eric5 by "c:\\Python32\python.exe install.py".
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