[Eric] Installation Path Problems Python 2.7 and 3.2

Robert Ford ford99 at ntlworld.com
Wed Jan 18 23:55:37 GMT 2012


"You better use this command

c:\python32\python install.py

If you install via double click onto the install script you might pick the
wrong interpreter version depending on your PATH settings"

I ran your suggested command from inside the eric5-5.1.8 folder and eric5 is 
now running.
Thank you very much. I have learned something new and important.

The eric4 manual on page 119 implies that you just "run" install.py from the 
unzipped folder.
You do need to change the directory of the windows shell command to be in 
that folder in order to find install.py. Perhaps the manual could be 
clarified as "run" is such a vague word where precision is necessary?


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Detlev Offenbach" <detlev at die-offenbachs.de>
To: <eric at riverbankcomputing.com>
Cc: "Robert Ford" <ford99 at ntlworld.com>; <pyqt at riverbankcomputing.com>; 
<eric5-bugs at eric-ide.python-projects.org>
Sent: Wednesday, January 18, 2012 6:08 PM
Subject: Re: [Eric] Installation Path Problems Python 2.7 and 3.2

> Am Mittwoch, 18. Januar 2012, 17:29:39 schrieb Robert Ford:
>> Hello,
>> Windows Vista SP2 32 bit
>> Python 2.7.2
>> Python 3.2.2
>> eric4-4.4.20
>> eric5-5.18
>> PyQt-Py2.7-x86-gpl-4.9-1.exe
>> PyQt-Py3.2-x86-gpl-4.9-1.exe
>> I am trying to install eric4 and eric 5 into respectively Python 2.7 and
>> Python 3.2.
>> This uses the appropriate PyQt windows binaries above
>> .
>> The eric mailing list have told me this is a PyQt issue.
>> ERIC4:
>> PyQt modules import correctly as per eric manual test.
>> I have eric4 download folder extracted to C:\Python27.
>> When I run "install" it starts and confirms PyQt4 is found, but then 
>> states
>> "Sorry, please install QtHelp. DLL load failure"
>> In the same PyQt folder there are definitely QtHelp.pyd and a QtHelp4.dll
>> files.
>> Eric 4 installation apparently cannot find them though.
>> In the Registry the default path for PyQt4 was found to be set for 
>> Python32.
>> I cleaned this out and reinstalled and eric4 now installed.
>> ERIC5
>> I again looked in the Registry and the default path is wrongly set to
>> Python27 ??
>> I cleaned this out and reinstalled.
>> This did not work though, although I am in the Python32 folder it still
>> thinks it is Python27 and  I get the following error message:
>> c:\Users\Robert>cd c:\python32\eric5-5.1.8
>> c:\Python32\eric5-5 .1 .8>install
> You better use this command
> c:\python32\python install.py
> If you install via double click onto the install script you might pick the
> wrong interpreter version dpending on your PATH settings.
>> Checking dependencies
>> Sorry. you must have Python 3.1.0 or higher.
>> Press enter to continue...
>> An internal error occurred. Please report all the output of the program.
>> including the following traceback. to 
>> eric5bugs at ericide.python-projects.org.
>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>> File "C:\Python32\eric5-5.1.8\install.py". line 1039. in <nodule>
>> main(sys .argv)
>> File "C:\Python32\eric5-5.1.8\install.py". line 971. in main
>> doDependancyChecks()
>> File "C:\Python32\eric5-5.1.8\install.py". line 709. in 
>> doDependancyChecks
>> exit (5)
>> File "C:\Python32\eric5-5.1.8\install.py". line 48. in exit
>> input('Press enter to continue.. _')
>> File "<string>", line 0
>>   ^
>> SyntaxError: unexpected EOF while parsing
>> c:\Python32\eric5-5 .1.8>
>> Robert
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> -- 
> Detlev Offenbach
> detlev at die-offenbachs.de 

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