[Eric] Bug when typing Japanese

Hans Schmidt z0idberg at gmx.de
Tue Jun 25 13:37:09 BST 2013


I have found a bug when typing Japanese in Eric.

I've made a video illustrating the problem:

Basically, when typing Japanese (this also occurs when typing Chinese),
a program called “IME” will capture the key strokes and be overlayed at
the exact cursor position. Well, it is hard to describe, but you can see
it in the video. An explanation is also here:

The problem with Eric now is the following:

1. If I type something, it does not appear on the screen while the text
is in the IME.
2. After I press space, the list does not pop up at the appropriate
position, but somewhere randomly.
3. Only after I hit enter, it gets correctly inserted at the cursor

This is extremely inconvenient as you are practically typing blind. The
second issue is present in other programs, but at least you can see what
you are typing. This is not possible in Eric. The problem appears in the
code editor and also in the shell, but not in other areas (e.g. in

Usually, Qt (and also PyQt) do not have any problems with Japanese. It
usually works absolutely perfect, just like in the Word example in my video.

Strangely, I found the exact same problem when typing Japanese in
Scribus, so I guess it has something to do with the widget used for the
code editor and the shell. Maybe there is some setting?

Of course, you can say: “Usually code will be typed in English, so no
problem”, but comments are usually still made in Japanese or Chinese if
your project is just for yourself or colleagues and you live in these
countries. Also, Python does support variable names etc. in Japanese, so
even though this may not be good code writing practice, it is hard to do
now. This is also a nuisance when writing the contents of a string in


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