[Eric] Debbuging over SSH?

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sat Sep 7 11:09:47 BST 2013


eric supports remote debugging. Just make sure, that your remote 
machine (I call it Pi) has access to the sources e.g. by mounting them via 
NFS. Within eric running on your PC activate Remote Debugging 
(Debugger->General page). If the paths are different you may use the path 
translation functionality (same page).


On Friday 06 September 2013, 15:15:52 Hans Schmidt wrote:
> Hello,
> If I have SSH access to another machine and want to run programs over
> there, is there a possibility to develop Python programs in Eric on my
> desktop PC, but having them run and debug on the remote machine?
> Writing programs on the command line is not really convenient, but on
> the other hand, my desktop PC (where writing programs is much more
> convenient) does not necessarily provide the necessary environment 
> when the remote machine is a web server or a Raspberry Pi).
> I hope I just missed the function :)
> Thanks!
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*Detlev Offenbach*
detlev at die-offenbachs.de
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