[Eric] Failed Eric installation

Bhamidipati, Vikram vikram.bhamidipati at swri.org
Sat Sep 21 00:59:38 BST 2013


I followed the instruction and installed Qt 4.8.5, sip, QScintilla2, PyQt4 and python bindings for QScintilla2. Yet I get this message when I try to install Eric:

Checking dependencies
Python Version: 2.7.5
Found PyQt4
Found QtHelp
Sorry, please install QScintilla2 and
its PyQt4 wrapper.
Error: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.
Press enter to continue...

I built and installed sip, QScintilla2 and PyQt4 using VS2010. Could you point me to how to fix this error?

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