[Eric] newbie in linux, python and eric4 - nothing happen when trying to run python script

Handoko Wiyanto endoch at gmail.com
Tue Apr 29 20:37:41 BST 2014

hello Frank,

i've changed the working directory to where my script location is (the
sama result with os.getcwd())

im trying to run a simple GUI messagebox using PySide.

here's my list of dependencies:
Version Numbers
Python 2.7.3
Qt 4.8.1
PyQt 4.9.1
sip 4.13.2
QScintilla 2.6.1
eric4 4.5.21 (r4546)
and PySide 1.1.0

On 4/29/14, Frank Sachsenheim <funkyfuture at riseup.net> wrote:
> ciao Handoko,
> the 'Commandline' is not intended to define the whole skript-invocation,
> but only the the options that will eventually be available as sys.argv[1:]
> Eric is well aware that Python is the interpreter and the opened script
> / project's main file is to be executed.
> propably it's also not a bad idea to set the Working directory to the
> one where your script resides or even the place that may be necessary as
> cwd to gain expected results.
> have fun with Eric!


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