[Eric] how to setup eric for remote debug by ssh.

zaazbb zaazbb at 163.com
Wed Apr 22 17:09:54 BST 2015

hello, everyone.
     now, i want use eric for a remote debug by ssh, but i do not know 
how to set it.

     my work os is windows 7, and the target debug os is ubuntu. i try 
to config it as below, but it does's work.

     Debug Client: /home/jf/work/DebugClientPython3/DebugClient.py
     Interpreter for Debug Client: /usr/bin/python3

     Remote Debugger
     Remote Host:
     Remote Execution: D:\soft\putty\putty.exe -ssh -pw 123 jf at

     Perform Path Translation
     Remote Path: /home/jf/work/test/main.py
     Local Path: D:\work\test\main.py

     "/home/jf/work/DebugClientPython3" was copied from windows eric dir.
     "/home/jf/work/test/main.py" was copied from windows for remote debug.

     who can show me a setting for remote debug by ssh?

     Thank you very much.

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