[Eric] Eric(6) IDE – Last Tech.Report under way

Studio - PM studio-pm at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 1 12:01:42 BST 2015

Ever heard of Eric IDE's Tech.Reports? [see at:  http://eric-ide.python-projects.org/eric-documentation.html  ]Well, if you did, we'd welcome your feed-back. 
You see, our original aim was rather ambitious, it had to do with the concept of Quality applied to the production of high-tech s/w. Indeed:   – As for foodstuff you have to declare and write on a label precisely what it is (origin, ingredients, production date, how to utilize it, …) so that any independent organization could check and measure the Quality of the product vs. its declared description (that is, its documentation), …  – … so we intended to show that something like that could, and should, be done for s/w products too; to the fair and real benefit of both Producers and Users.- 
Now—while engaged authoring our last Report, about Eric(6)—we are not sure whether our efforts have gained any practical result, we don't know how much liking have we gained to such a vision. All we know is that, working along with the Eric's producer, we had the opportunity of showing such a vision, and that now we'd like to evaluate the result. Your feed-back welcome. Thanks. See you. - P.M.
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