[Eric] Getting error trying to run Eric 6 on Kubuntu Trusty

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Mon Nov 16 17:30:41 GMT 2015


eric requires at least PyQt 5.3.0. This is not given by Ubuntu 14.04. However, if you have PyQt4 
installed as well, you may install eric using the "--pyqt=4" switch. Therafter it will use PyQt4 for 
its execution.


On Monday 16 November 2015, 20:36:32 Shriramana Sharma wrote:
> I am getting an error saying that there is no overloaded signal:
> e5App().focusChanged[QWidget, QWidget]
> I installed Debian Sid's Eric 6.0.8 package
> (https://packages.debian.org/sid/eric) directly on my Kubuntu Trusty
> system as the declared dependencies were easily satisfied, but got the
> error. Do I correctly presume the PyQt behaviour has changed since my
> version of PyQt 5.2.1 to enable indexing of a signal using the
> signature even when there is only one signal (as in the present case)?
> In which case, the Debian packaging should be correctly to reflect
> this version dependency.-- 
*Detlev Offenbach*
detlev at die-offenbachs.de
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