[Eric] Problem opening new project after closing current project

Tony Arnold tony.arnold at manchester.ac.uk
Thu Dec 1 08:54:21 GMT 2016


On Wed, 2016-11-30 at 18:32 +0100, Detlev Offenbach wrote:

these message can be silenced by configuring a message filter
> (Settings menu, Edit Messages Filter...). However, I would like to
> know on which platform and with which Qt version this is happening.
> Eric doesn't use Dbus explicitly.
> (Settings menu, Edit Messages Filter...). However, I would like to
> know on which platform and with which Qt version this is happening.
> Eric doesn't use Dbus explicitly.

I'm using Ubuntu 16.10, pyqt5.7, Qt is 5.6.1.

Tony Arnold MBCS, CITP | Senior IT Security Analyst | Directorate of IT Services | G.110, Kilburn Building | The University of Manchester | Manchester M13 9PL | T: +44 161 275 6093 | M: +44 773 330 0039

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