[Eric] Taking leave

Studio - PM studio-pm at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 2 11:09:04 BST 2016

As frequently stated, primary purpose of Eric's “Tech. Reports” was not merely to grant Eric 
a decent documentation – though this excellent product well deserved it – 
but to offer an example, a model of my vision of how tech doc.s should be and, alas, 
usually still isn't.  That is:  – Written from Mr. User's point of view (not Mr. Producer's);  – Based on facts (not tales);  – Fair and free to report also encountered oddities and problems;  – With respect for all, but mainly for proved and actual facts, and professional experience;  – All that to the real interest of all involved parties, but no subjection to anyone.- 
Now, being through(*), I'd be glad to know such model had some sequel. So long.  - P.M.  (*)  Dear D., I'll miss our discussions.   		 	   		  
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