[Eric] Allowing Eric to run on Ubuntu 14.04

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at vrplumber.com
Fri May 27 02:40:42 BST 2016

Hi all,

While the likely "correct" way to fix this would be to make Ubuntu 14.04 
include an updated PyQt5, there doesn't seem to be any huge 
incompatibilities for PyQt 5.2 (the version that Ubuntu 14.04 packages). 
I hacked around a bit and can run Eric6 under Python3 + PyQt5.2 on my 
14.04 workstation with just the following change-set:


but it *looks* like those focusChanged connect/disconnects could 
actually use the .focusChanged.connect( ) form (at least, I've missed 
the purpose in using the type-indexed forms).

Anyway, I don't know that it's really worth pulling that change-set, but 
*I* find it useful to be able to run with just the packaged versions.

Take care,

   Mike C. Fletcher
   Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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