[Eric] ANN: eric 17.02 released

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sat Feb 4 12:20:08 GMT 2017


I just uploaded eric 17.02. It fixes some bugs and adds these new features.

- Checkers
  -- upgraded pycodestyle to version 2.2.0+
- Debugger
  -- changed the variables filter dialog to be more user friendly
- Editor
  -- added a bar with formatting options for HTML, Markdown and reStructured
     Text files
  -- added support for the new QScintilla JSON lexer
  -- added support for the new QScintilla Markdown lexer
- Email
  -- added capability to use the SSL encryption method (next to StartTLS) in
     the built in Email dialog
- Mercurial Interface
  -- added clickable links to the log browser details pane
  -- added up and down buttons to move the current entry to the log browser
  -- added the capability to configure the length of the log message shown
     in the message column of the log browser list
- Subversion interface
  -- added up and down buttons to move the current entry to the log browser
- Web Browser
  -- added functionality to manage the plug-in provided documentation sets

It is available via the eric web site.


*Detlev Offenbach*
detlev at die-offenbachs.de
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