[Eric] Eric always runs "fullscreen"

mikedp.eric at mailnull.com mikedp.eric at mailnull.com
Sun Jul 30 08:51:38 BST 2017


I have a strange issue with a new install of eric6.  It #always# runs as if "full-screen" - no title bar/buttons and I can't get anything to run on top of it.  ​<Alt><space> ​
gives the normal window control menu but nothing seems to work.  I can only get at the config dialog if I run eric6_configure - otherwise, it's always behind the main IDE.

OS is Linux Mint 18.1 (serena).

I have eric6 installed on another machine (same OS) with absolutely no issues, so I'm puzzled as to how to proceed.  Google has nothing I can find.

Mike Pollard. 

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