[Eric] Eric always runs "fullscreen"

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sun Jul 30 16:37:05 BST 2017

Probably something got screwed up in the preferences file. You might do the 
following to get it right.

1. cd ~/.config/Eric6

2a. Delete the eric6.ini file. Be warned that you will loose all your 


2b. Open the eric6.ini file in an editor and delete the entry "Geometry" of the 
"General" section (this should be somewhere near the top of the file).

Both methods should make eric start with an 800x600 px main window.

Third method would be to start the script eric6_configure.py without eric being 
active. This will show the configuration dialog. In there change the the 
Interface configuration page (Interface->Interface) and press the button "Reset 
layout to factory defaults" (right at the bottom), save the settings by 
pressing Ok, which exits the dialog. The next time you start eric, it should 
come up with 800x600px window.

Hope this helps.

Am Sonntag, 30. Juli 2017, 09:51:38 CEST schrieb mikedp.eric at mailnull.com:
> Hi,
> I have a strange issue with a new install of eric6.  It #always# runs as if
> "full-screen" - no title bar/buttons and I can't get anything to run on top
> of it.  ​<Alt><space> ​ gives the normal window control menu but
> nothing seems to work.  I can only get at the config dialog if I run
> eric6_configure - otherwise, it's always behind the main IDE.
> OS is Linux Mint 18.1 (serena).
> I have eric6 installed on another machine (same OS) with absolutely no
> issues, so I'm puzzled as to how to proceed.  Google has nothing I can
> find.
> Mike Pollard.
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Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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