[Eric] Problem debugging code using pymongo

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sun Nov 12 15:35:08 GMT 2017


this is caused by an issue introduced with 17.11. Please get latest code from 
repository. This issue and some others have been fixed in there. These fixes 
will be part of eric 17.12.


Am Sonntag, 12. November 2017, 16:10:31 CET schrieb Tony Arnold:
> I'm trying to debug some code that uses pymongo. When using the debugger in
> eric, I get the following:
> Exception "unhandled RecursionError"
> maximum recursion depth exceeded
> File:
> /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/eric6/DebugClients/Python/ThreadExtension.py
> , Line: 331
> If I run without the debugger, the code runs successfully.
> I've written the minimal code that demonstrates this as follows:
> #!/usr/bin/python3
> from pymongo import MongoClient
> client=MongoClient()
> print("Script finished.")
> The error above occurs when the MongoClient method is called.
> I'm using eric6 version 17.11, pymongo version 3.4.0 on Ubuntu 17.10, python
> 3.6.3
> Any thoughts anyone?
> Regards,
> Tony.
> --
> Tony Arnold MBCS, CITP | Senior IT Security Analyst | Directorate of IT
> Services | G64, Kilburn Building | The University of Manchester |
> Manchester M13 9PL | T: +44 161 275 6093 | M: +44 773 330 0039

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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