[Eric] ANN: eric 18.05 released

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Tue May 1 12:25:25 BST 2018


I just uploaded eric 18.05. It fixes some bugs and adds these new features.
     *  General
         *  added the '--disable-plugin=' option to disable plug-ins via the command line
             *  Code Style Checker
                 *  added support for '# noqa' and '# NOQA' comments to suppress warnings
                 *  extended the dialog to be able to define the number of blank lines before class 
and function/method definitions
                     *  Project
                         *  added support for 'make' to the Project menu and run it automatically 
before the main script is started (configuration option)
                             *  Syntax Checker
                                 *  added support for '# noqa' and '# NOQA' comments to suppress 
                                     *  Translator
                                         *  updated the translator URL for DeepL
                                             *  Web Browser (NG)
                                                 *  improvement of the download manager
                                                 *  added support for the Google Safe Browsing Lookup API (v4)
                                                     *  Third Party packages
                                                         *  updated coverage.py to 4.5.1
                                                         *  updated pycodestyle to 2.4.0
                                                         *  updated send2trash to version 1.5.0

It is available via the eric web site.


*Detlev Offenbach*
detlev at die-offenbachs.de[1] 

[1] mailto:detlev at die-offenbachs.de
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