[Eric] Run my project

c.buhtz at posteo.jp c.buhtz at posteo.jp
Sat Nov 10 23:42:27 GMT 2018


I was using Python3 on Debian via bash and vim.
My project runs well on bash. But I am not able to run it via Eric.

The project folder is

The code (py-files) is in

There are e.g. this files in

I start the application via the script

which content is


 cd ~/share/work/Feedybus
 python3 -m feedybus

So how can I reproduce this with Eric?
I created a project via eric and all relevant files are in that project.

How should I setup "Project Directory" and "Main Script" in the
"Project Properties"?

When I click on "Run Project" another dialogs comes up and ask me
about "Comamndline", "Working directory", "Environment".
I am not sure what I should put in this fields.

When running the project with eric I receive an error about an
releative import in my __main__.py file.

The debugged program raised the exception unhandled SystemError
"Parent module '' not loaded, cannot perform relative import"
File: /home/user/share/work/Feedybus/feedybus/__main__.py, Line: 12

This is line 12
from .application import FeedybusApplication

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