[Eric] Help with automatic placement of compiled resource file / automated import statement

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Sun Nov 18 14:58:55 GMT 2018


the requested function is not available yet. I will add an option to the 
project forms browser, that allows to configure the "--import-from=" option of 
the pyuic5 forms compiler. This will then generate import statements like 
"from resources import icon_rc". I hope this is what you were looking for. The 
plan is to have this included in the 18.12 release.


Am Sonntag, 18. November 2018, 13:54:45 CET schrieb Orestes Mas:
> Hello,
> I'm having a little problem with Eric's automatic form/resource
> compiler. Let's say I've the following directory structure:
> Project's top directory
> \___ (file) main.py
> \___ (dir) resources
> |   |
> |   \___ (files) various image/icon files
> |   \___ (file) resource.qrc
> |   \___ (file) resource_rc.py (compiled resource file, Eric-generated)
> \___ (dir) ui
>      \___ (file) mainwindow.ui
>      \___ (file) configdialog.ui
>      \___ (file) Ui_mainwindow.py  (compiled, Eric-generated)
>      \___ (file) Ui_configdialog.py  (compiled, Eric-generated)
> The problem is that in the "Ui_*" files that Eric generates
> automatically he inserts a
> "import resources_rc" line which fails at runtime because "resources_rc"
> isn't located at "ui" directory.
> The correct line should be "import resources.resources_rc" or "from
> resources import resources_rc". Alternatively, he should generate the
> compiled resource file at the top directory, where "main.py" resides.
> Meanwhile, I'm copying manually the "resources_rc.py" file to the top
> directory every time I change the resources.
> Unfortunately, I've not found how to indicate Eric neither of these two
> solutions. Perhaps is easy, but I'm new to Eric and I'm still learning.
> Any help will be appreciated.
> Orestes.
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Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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