[Eric] Autocompletion behaviour

Christos Sevastiadis csevast at auth.gr
Sun Oct 28 19:47:30 GMT 2018


I had a problem with my Conda environments last time. I couldn't even
import some specific modules with external DLLs, such as NumPy and PyAudio.
I discovered that a lot of stuff in Conda environments are not installed in
the standard Python folders. The Conda's activate command add specific
folders in the beginning of the PATH environment variable, and in this way
all of Conda installed modules are working fine. My approach of installing
Eric in its private Conda environment, with the projects executing in
different ones, generates problems with the execution, and maybe with
Autocompletion, Calltips and Code Documentation. I execute my project in
the base Conda environment. So executing "Anaconda Prompt" to activate the
base Conda environment, then in the prompt executing "activate eric6", to
activate the Eric's Conda environment, and then executing in the prompt
Scripts\eric6, to run Eric IDE, shows the best behavior. In another
discussion with Detlev I suggested some other ideas. I don't know how the
problem can be solved in the end.

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