[Eric] Fwd: Re: PyQt-Slot for QtWidget (QComboBox) created during runtime

GM mossl at gmx.net
Mon Sep 24 09:34:35 BST 2018

-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	Re: [Eric] PyQt-Slot for QtWidget (QComboBox) created during 
Datum: 	Sun, 23 Sep 2018 23:30:33 +0200
Von: 	GM <mossl at gmx.net>
An: 	Christos Sevastiadis <csevast at auth.gr>


thanks ... works in the same way and there's no need for an own class, I 
just have a problem with the rownumber.

If users add more than one line, there will exist 2 or more Comboboxes. 
Each of them will return the right index, but so far I could not find a 
way to get the right row, because the self.tableWidgetX.currentRow() 
returns the last row where a text-cell was entered. This means row is -1 
when nobody clicked somewhere on the grid, and if you enter row 2, and 
then change the combobox in row 5, self.tableWidgetX.currentRow() will 
return 2!

As the row-number in Serges solution is passed plain this is also not a 
100% solution as the row-sorting could be changed (user sorts data by 
clicking on headers, or rows are (re)moved/added by code). But if I 
prevent this at last the row-number should be correct.

For short, the way I've tested your solution:

     from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QComboBox

     def on_pushButton_add_row_to_tableWidgetX_clicked(self):
             tWid=getattr(self, "tableWidgetX")
             combo = QComboBox()
             tWid.setCellWidget(tWid.rowCount()-1, 3, combo) # ComboBox 
goes to last row, column Nr 3
             tWid.setColumnWidth(3, combo.size().width())

     def on_spk_ver_rep_QComboBox_currentIndexChanged(self, index):
         print(index,  self.tableWidgetX.currentRow())


Am 23.09.2018 um 19:11 schrieb Christos Sevastiadis:
> Dear George,
> I think that you should create a slot for the specific QComboBox 
> object and not for the cell of the QTableWidget object.
> For example, for a QComboBox created in the Ui_MainWindow.setupUI(), 
> the corresponding slot created in the MainWindow.setupUI() should have 
> the following form, for integer or string type index.
>     @pyqtSlot(int)
>     def on_spk_ver_rep_QComboBox_currentIndexChanged(self, index):
>         """
>         Slot documentation goes here.
>         @param index DESCRIPTION
>         @type int
>         """
>         # TODO: not implemented yet
>         raise NotImplementedError
>     @pyqtSlot(str)
>     def on_spk_ver_rep_QComboBox_currentIndexChanged(self, p0):
>         """
>         Slot documentation goes here.
>         @param p0 DESCRIPTION
>         @type str
>         """
>         # TODO: not implemented yet
>         raise NotImplementedError
> Christos
> On Sun, 23 Sep 2018 at 15:40, GM <mossl at gmx.net 
> <mailto:mossl at gmx.net>> wrote:
>     Hi @all,
>     I've created a dialog-window with an QTableWidget. Users can add a
>     row
>     by using a pushbutton. In a cell of the new row appears a
>     QComboBox. How
>     can changes of this QComboBox trigger a function?
>     It's no problem for to text-only-cells (I can use:
>          @pyqtSlot(int, int)
>          def on_tableWidgetX_cellChanged(self, row, column):
>              print("cell changed: ", row, column)
>     which works as intended.)
>     Functions like
>          @pyqtSlot(QComboBox)
>          def on_tableWidgetX_itemChanged(self, item):
>              print("OK1")
>          @pyqtSlot(QComboBox)
>          def on_tableWidgetX_itemClicked(self, item):
>              print("Ok2")
>     never recieve a signal.
>     I think the QComboBox can not send a aignal. Originally the "Generate
>     Dialog Code..."-dialog suggests to pass a "QTableWidgetItem*" to the
>     pyqtSlot, but this Item is created during runtime, so it can not be
>     found in the Ui_Dialog...
>     Any suggestions?
>     george
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Georg Mößlacher
+43-664-735 69 327

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