[Eric] Eric6 and Raspberry Pi

Geert Vancompernolle geert.vancompernolle at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 10:07:26 GMT 2019

Hi Detlev,

Sorry it took a while before I picked up this thread, but lack of time 
didn't allow me to take next steps.

So far, I've done the following steps:

 1. I installed newest version of Eric6 (currently installed version:
    19.01) on my Windows10 PC
 2. I copied the directory "DebugClients" (located in
    ./Lib/side-packages/eric6) from my Windows10 PC onto my RPi in the
    directory /home/pi/eric6.  So, I have /home/pi/eric6/DebugClients on
    my Raspberry Pi
 3. I created a Python test directory on the Raspberry Pi like so:
    /home/pi/eric6/remotetests and I've put a very simple Python script
    in there: hello.py.
    This is the content:
         def main():
             print('Hello World')

         if __name__ == '__main__':
 4. I've created an Eric6 project on my WindowsPC in the directory
    E:\AppData\Programming\Python\Eric6\RemoteRpiTest\ and added the
    same hello.py to the project.
    I find it a strange thing I have to do this, I was expecting to use
    the Python file on the Raspberry Pi to start debugging.  So, what I
    tried was to add source files to the project coming from my remote
    Raspberry Pi.  But that gave an error (log attached). I've also sent
    the error log to the e-mail address
    'eric-bugs at eric-ide.python-projects.org'.
    Since that trick didn't work, I kept my local Python file.
 5. In the Eric6 project, I've set the Debugger Properties window like
    in the attached file "Eric6RemoteDebuggerSettings.png":
     1. I've referred to the DebugClients directory (and file) for the
        Debug Client section
     2. My remote host is accessible from my Windows10 PC (command
        prompt) without having to pass my password using the command ssh
        'pi at'.  So, should be fine...
     3. I've done path translations as per the image attached.

However, when running the debugger, I don't see any feedback on the IDE 
and also can't debug...

Then I tried the following:

 1. Opening a DOS command box on my Windows10 PC
 2. Run the command "ssh pi at python3
 3. That worked perfectly: I could run the Python script on my Raspberry
    Pi and get the results back on my DOS prompt.  So, clearly the
    remote part is accessible using SSH and without providing a password.
 4. I then added that command into the field "Remote Execution" of the
    Debugger Properties dialogue box in Eric6 and tried to debug the
    project again.
    Result: error message saying "Debugger backend could not be started"
    (see attached image "DebuggerBackendCouldNotBeStarted.png").

I'm a bit "out of inspiration" now.  Is there anything wrong in the 
setup(s) above?  What else am I missing?


Best rgds,

On 13/01/2019 15:49, Detlev Offenbach wrote:
> Hello Geert,
> I haven't done this for a very long time but it should be possible. As a first
> step you should install the debugger client on the RPi. Once that is done you
> can configure everything on the debugger configuration pages. I would like to
> get a HOWTO document for the eric web site about the steps you did to get this
> working. The eric6 README file gives some hints on this.
> Detlev
> Am Sonntag, 13. Januar 2019, 15:34:10 CET schrieb Geert Vancompernolle:
>> Hi,
>> Has anyone ever tried to remotely debug Python code running on a
>> headless Raspberry Pi from a Windows (10) PC running the Eric6 IDE?  Is
>> that possible and if so, what is to be done?
>> Such mechanism is available for Java code running on the RPi while using
>> Netbeans on the PC to step through the code remotely running on the RPi.
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2019-01-27, 10:41:04
<class 'FileNotFoundError'>: 
[WinError 3] The system cannot find the path specified: '\\home\\pi\\eric6\\remotetest'
  File "D:\WinApps\Programming\python3\Lib\site-packages\eric6\Project\Project.py", line 1877, in addSourceDir
  File "D:\WinApps\Programming\python3\Lib\site-packages\eric6\Project\Project.py", line 1810, in addDirectory
    self.__addRecursiveDirectory(filetype, source, target)
  File "D:\WinApps\Programming\python3\Lib\site-packages\eric6\Project\Project.py", line 1760, in __addRecursiveDirectory
    for name in os.listdir(source):

Version Numbers:
  Python 3.7.1, 64-Bit
  Qt 5.11.2
  PyQt 5.11.3
  sip 4.19.13
  QScintilla 2.10.8
  WebEngine 65.0.3325.230
  eric6 19.01 (rev. 2a11e1b2dcbe)

Platform: win32
3.7.1 (v3.7.1:260ec2c36a, Oct 20 2018, 14:57:15) [MSC v.1915 64 bit (AMD64)]
Plugins Version Numbers:
  PluginAbout 19.01
  PluginCodeStyleChecker 19.01
  PluginEricapi 19.01
  PluginEricdoc 19.01
  PluginPipInterface 19.01
  PluginSyntaxChecker 19.01
  PluginTabnanny 19.01
  PluginTranslator 19.01
  PluginVcsGit 19.01
  PluginVcsMercurial 19.01
  PluginVcsPySvn 19.01
  PluginVcsSubversion 19.01
  PluginVmListspace 19.01
  PluginVmTabview 19.01
  PluginWizardDotDesktop 19.01
  PluginWizardE5MessageBox 19.01
  PluginWizardEricPlugin 19.01
  PluginWizardPyRegExp 19.01
  PluginWizardQColorDialog 19.01
  PluginWizardQFileDialog 19.01
  PluginWizardQFontDialog 19.01
  PluginWizardQInputDialog 19.01
  PluginWizardQMessageBox 19.01
  PluginWizardQRegExp 19.01
  PluginWizardQRegularExpression 19.01
  PluginWizardSetup 19.01
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