[Eric] Remove Eric

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Mon May 6 17:19:37 BST 2019


I am sorry that eric is beyond your capabilities. The default configuration 
values should already be set in a way, that one can use it straight away. 
However, there might be areas of improvement. Just let me know, where you are 

The eric6 distribution archive includes a script to uninstall eric. It is 
called - surprise, surprise - uninstall.py.


Am Montag, 6. Mai 2019, 14:27:31 CEST schrieb Stephen P. Molnar:
> While I am very impressed with your software, I'm afraid that using it
> is beyond my capabilities.
> How can I remove it from my Debian Stretch Platform?.  The only
> uninstall that I can find is
> /home/comp/Apps/miniconda3/bin/eric6_pluginuninstall.
> Thanks in advance.-- Stephen P. Molnar, Ph.D. Life is a fuzzy set
> www.molecular-modeling.net Stochastic and multivariate (614)312-7528(c)
> Skype: smolnar1
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Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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