[Eric] Type hints

Detlev Offenbach detlev at die-offenbachs.de
Tue Nov 5 18:37:45 GMT 2019


eric supports completions and calltips. For this there are various plug-ins 
available through the eric Plugin Repository dialog.

eric Assistant:
It needs API files for general support. For support of files of the project it 
determines these from the source code when a file is saved or the project is 

As the name suggests this is an interface to the Jedi completion machine, 
which is included in the plugin already. In addition to completions and 
calltips it provides dynamic source code documentation.

Refactoring Rope:
This is an interface to the rope refactoring machine. Next to refactoring it 
provides completions, calltips and code documentation.

I hope this is the information that was looked for.


Am Dienstag, 5. November 2019, 15:33:52 CET schrieb Vasileios Anagnostopoulos:
> Hi.
> I use Eric for running snippets but it is more than that.
> It is not to me clear how to use type hints (PEP 484), or if they are
> supported at all, by Eric. I need it to autocomplete / type-check code I
> have written. I am also open to suggestions. I see that PyCharm does
> support them but it is too heavy on resources.
> Thank you.

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at die-offenbachs.de

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