How to set Path to Module

Detlev Offenbach detlev at
Mon Aug 17 12:02:19 BST 2020

Hi Mick,

just run your script with a Python interpreter, that has access to this module. How is your system set up?


> Am 17.08.2020 um 11:44 schrieb Mick Sulley <mick at>:
> I have installed YahooFinancials with pip3 install YahooFinancials
> I have written code which uses this, if I run it in a terminal it works, but if I run it in Eric6 I get a ModuleNotFound error
> The module has been written to ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/yahoofinancials
> I'm sure this is my lack of understanding of the Eric6 setup, but I cannot find a way to tell it where this module is, can you tell me how to do this please?
> Thanks
> Mick

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at

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