ANN: eric 20.7 released

Detlev Offenbach detlev at
Sat Jul 4 11:19:00 BST 2020

Hello Pythonistas,

I just uploaded eric 20.7. It fixes some bugs and adds these new features.

  * General
      o removed support for Python2
      o removed support for Qt4 (PyQt4 and pyside)
  * - pip Interface
      o added menu action for pip cache management
  * - Code Style Checker
      o changed the dialog to allow the selection of checker categories
      o added several security related checks (ported from bandit)
      o extended the dialog to show a list of files still to be checked
      o updated pycodestyle to version 2.6.0
  * - Syntax Checker
      o updated pyflakes to version 2.2.0
  * - Third Party packages:
      o updated asttoken to version 2.0.4

It is available via the eric web site or PyPI.




Detlev Offenbach

detlev at <mailto:detlev at>

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