Problem with editor - CTRL key erases selected text

Henrik Pauli henrik.pauli at
Thu Jun 18 14:51:35 BST 2020

Do you have a feature like "Tap Ctrl to show the location of the mouse"
turned on in your desktop environment?  I've seen some weird stuff happen
from that before (not with Eric in particular) on both Gnome and some other
DEs, and this is simply the first thing that popped to my mind when reading
your issue.

On Tue, 16 Jun 2020 at 02:00, Massimo Del Fedele <max at> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm on Linux (Ubuntu 20.04), and I have an annoying problem with the
> editor : when I enter it, selecting some text and pressing
> the CTRL key (for example to issue a CTRL-C copy command) erases my text,
> so I've to undo the change.
> Following CTRL keypress behave normally, just the first one is weird.
> Then, if I leave the editor alone for a while (for example to test my app)
> and go back to it, the weird behaviour starts again :
> on FIRST CTRL keypress the selected text is erased, then all normal.
> Am I missing something, or it's a bug ?
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