style checking and refactor
Detlev Offenbach
detlev at
Sat Jun 19 10:41:09 BST 2021
Am 18.06.21 um 19:09 schrieb Javier:
> Hello is it possible to activate style checking in real time?
Style checking in real time is not possible because it is a fairly cost
intensive task.
> is it possible to check style in small scripts not only in projects?
Yes. The style check is available via the editor context menu (if it is
a Python file).
> is it possible to rename variables, functions, ...? like vscode does
> with F2
Yes. This functionality is provided via the rope refactoring plug-in.
See the built-in plugin repository dialog to get it.
> is it possible to refactor in small scripts not only in projects?
Rope refactoring library works based on a project. Therefore this is not
available for standalone scripts. That is not a limitation of eric but
the library used.
> Thank you very much.
You're welcome.
Detlev Offenbach
detlev at
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