SPAM, Re: dark theme ?

Detlev Offenbach detlev at
Wed Oct 13 16:48:53 BST 2021


using a dark qt5ct theme with a light desktop theme doesn't give me dark 
colored eric6. However, if I switch the desktop theme to a dark theme 
(e.g. Breeze Dark) every Qt widget in eric uses this dark colors. I did 
not find a reason, why qt5ct does not work as expected. Testing it with 
native Qt application (Qt Designer) showed the same behavior like eric6. 
Therefore I assume, it is Qt ignoring qt5ct.

An alternative would be to create a QSS style file. The eric archive 
includes an example called 'Chinese_Dark.qss' located in the 'styles' 


Am 13.10.21 um 09:24 schrieb Martin:
> Hi !
> Thank you for the answer.
> Unfortunately I don't understand why it doesn't work.
> I have installed Eric using the official method (virtualenv in
> ~/eric_env/)
> I also installed qt5ct. It was complaining QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME
> wasn't set to 'q5ct'. So I have set the env variable (from
> /etc/environment then restart X session) and the tool doesn't complain
> anymore.
> After that, in qt5ct, I choose a dark theme and the preview looks OK.
> If I open KeepassXC which also use QT5, I can see the changes I make in
> qt5ct tool is well reflected in KeepassXC.
> But not in Eric.
> I'm running Ubuntu 20.04.
> On Tue, 12 Oct 2021 17:34:05 +0200
> Detlev Offenbach <detlev at> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> there is no single place to configure a dark theme. If the desktop
>> environment already is dark, all the Qt widgets in eric should be
>> dark as well (at least it was over here on Kubuntu when I switched to
>> a dark theme). In order to get the syntax highlighter to show a dark
>> theme, just import one of the themes (eric6_Dark_1 or eric6_Dark_2).
>> What is left thereafter are various other color settings. Just browse
>> through the configuration dialog.
>> Regards,
>> Detlev
>> Am 12.10.21 um 15:03 schrieb Martin:
>>> Hi,
>>> Trying Eric for the first time and seems to match my needs.
>>> I'm looking for a way to turn Eric dark, everywhere it's possible.
>>> After searching in this mailing list archives, I found the following
>>> post:
>>> Things I have tried inspired by the post above:
>>> - My system theme is already a dark one
>>> - Preferences -> Interface -> Interface -> Style Sheet and choose a
>>>     dark named style sheet. Changes not much but minor parts of the
>>> UI
>>> - Preferences -> Editor -> Highlighers -> Styles and import a style
>>>     does the job at least for the editor part of the UI
>>> So my question: is there a way to turn the whole UI in "dark mode" ?
>>> because the default appearance is a bit aggressive for me eyes.
>>> PS: I didn't find any user manual for Eric on the official Website,
>>> I wonder if there is one.
>>> Regards,

Detlev Offenbach
detlev at

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