Information for eric7 on Ubuntu 22.04

Detlev Offenbach detlev at
Tue May 3 14:02:53 BST 2022


this is to give some information with respect to using eric7 on Ubuntu 
22.04 and upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04.

1. Things to do after installation of Ubuntu 22.04

In order to run eric7 on Ubuntu 22.04 you must install the OpenSSL 1.x 
library manually. This is needed because Ubuntu switched to OpenSSL 3.x 
but Qt6/PyQt6 is compiled against OpenSSL 1.x. To do so search for 
libssl1.1 and get the package for the previous Ubuntu release (impish). 
After having installed this, all encrypted connections work within eric7.

2. Things to do after upgrading to Ubuntu 22.04

Step 1 is to install the OpenSSL 1.x library (see above)

Step 2 is needed if you installed eric7 in a Python virtual environment. 
Ubuntu 22.04 changed the Python version to 3.10.x, which requires an 
upgrade of the eric7 venv. To do this simply execute:

python3 -m venv --upgrade eric7_env

and reinstall eric7. At the first startup all dependencies of the 
already installed plug-ins will be reinstalled for the upgraded environment.

I hope this helps a few people doing the migration.


Detlev Offenbach
detlev at

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