[PyKDE] QSocket.readBlock/QSocket.getch() difference

Michael Ferraro michael at possibleworlds.com
Mon Dec 3 23:08:44 GMT 2001


in response to a readyRead() signal i check if a socket.bytesAvailable()

is non-zero at which point I do a socket.readBlock(maxbytes).  The
buffer returned is zero bytes long and  doesn't have any data in it.

As a test I followed the readBlock with a loop that makes calls to
socket.getch() which returns  valid data for the number of

I can use getch()s if I have to, but it seems that readBlock should work

in here. What might I be doing wrong this time, I ask.

def HandShake (self):
    socket = self.sender()
    n = socket.bytesAvailable()
    if n > 0:
        hail = socket.readBlock(32)
        print "readBlock(): ", len(hail), hail        # -- hail is empty

        for i in range (n):
            print "getch(): ", socket.getch ()          # -- prints
valid data

thanks for any help


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