[PyKDE] Problem: drawPushButton

Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Wed Jul 11 22:57:12 BST 2001

Gerard Vermeulen <gvermeul at labs.polycnrs-gre.fr> wrote:

> I looked also in the documentation for pure virtual functions,
> but there is none. If my guess is correct, could you add
> something to the documentation, Phil?

I don't want to speak for Phil, but I am doing PyKDE2 and the 
same "problem" could occur there. The problem is that there
are very few resources (ie: people) devoted to both PyQt and
PyKDE, while at the same time there is *very* good documentation
for the C++ versions of Qt and KDE, so a duplication of effort
in the documentation area is undesirable. Bascially the PyQt
or PyKDE docs just point out the unimplemented methods, or
methods where the arguments or return value are of a different

I appreciate that some Python programmers may find C++ docs
confusing. As a general rule, if you read the Qt or KDE docs'
description of a class and it says it's "abstract", or you
find a method with "= 0" in the declaration of the method,
then you'll have to either subclass the class (and write
code for *all* the pure virtual methods - those with "= 0"),
or else find another class which inherits the abstract class
but can be instantiated. Finding a class derived from the
abstract base class is easiest, and (without doing a lot of
checking) should be possible in almost every case.

The Qt docs are excellent, IMHO, and the KDE docs are almost
as good in a lot of places (and skimpy in some others). They're
available at the trolltech and kde websites - I'll look up
URLs and post them if anybody can't find them.


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