[PyKDE] coloured QTable

Phil Thompson phil at river-bank.demon.co.uk
Sat Jul 14 15:24:37 BST 2001

QTable doesn't take ownership of it's QTableItems, so the C++ QTableItem
gets destroyed when the corresponding Python object is garbage

Use "self.tableitem" rather than "tableitem" to keep the Python object


Jens Nie wrote:
> Hi.
> I need a Qtable in which the items have a background color.
> I know from the Qt Archive that i have to use a subclass of QTableItem with
> a reimplementation of the paint method to get this working. But actually this
> is not working. Here is the code:
> #!/usr/bin/env python
> import sys
> from qt import *
> class MyTableItem(QTableItem):
>         def __init__(self, table, edittype, text):
>                 QTableItem.__init__(self, table, edittype, text)
>                 print "New MyTableItem"
>         def paint(self, painter, colorgroup, rect, selected):
>                 print "paint called"
>                 cg = QColorGroup(colorgroup)
>                 cg.setColor(QColorGroup.Base, Qt.red)
>                 QTableItem.paint(painter, cg, rect, selected)
> class MyWidget(QTable):
>         def __init__(self, parent=None, name="MyWidget"):
>                 QTable.__init__(self, 10, 4, parent, name)
>                 tableitem = MyTableItem(self,
>                         QTableItem.Never,
>                         "Hello Table")
>                 self.setItem(1, 1, tableitem)
> if __name__=="__main__":
>         app = QApplication(sys.argv)
>         mw = MyWidget()
>         app.setMainWidget(mw)
>         mw.show()
>         app.exec_loop()
> When i start the application the upper left cell should have the string
> "Hello Table" with a red background, but hasn't.
> The only message is "New MyTableItem", but no "paint called" occurs.
> I don't really see the difference to the statistics example from the qt2
> package, which is working..
> Any ideas?
>         Jens Nie
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