[PyKDE] Dynamic layouts

Ken Kozman kkozman at zyvex.com
Mon Mar 19 21:20:52 GMT 2001

-----Original Message-----
From: pykde-admin at mats.gmd.de [mailto:pykde-admin at mats.gmd.de]On Behalf Of
Boudewijn Rempt
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 2:15 PM
To: pykde at mats.gmd.de
Subject: Re: [PyKDE] Dynamic layouts

On Saturday 17 March 2001 02:57, you wrote:
dding is easy. Take a look at the following script:
> Have you tried using Qobject.removeChild()?

Yes - I've tried:

* removing all Python references
* using removeChild: QObject.removeChild() has an invalid type
* using close(TRUE) on the widget: AttributeError: close
* deleteAllWidgets(): gives QGList::locate: Index 0 out of range

And I've tried to iteratate through the layoutitems, but that didn't work,
because next() doesn't seem to be implemented. In general, destroying
is quite hard in PyQt, I feel.
I tend to agree with this. Although perhaps it is just me being stupid.
I often just use the hide method on the widgets I want to "get rid of". This
is obviously bad in terms of memory and resource usage, but it works for the
stuff I am doing (I have not tried the actual layout issue specified


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