[PyKDE] HP-UX 10.20 runtime error at installation of PyQt

Laurent Claustre claustre at esrf.fr
Tue Apr 23 09:32:00 BST 2002

Phil Thompson wrote:

>Laurent Claustre wrote:
>>I've upgraded my PyQt/sip installation to 3.2rc2 nevertheless the
>>problem is quite similar. Any idea?
>>Python 2.1.1c1 (#13, Jul 23 2001, 11:03:24)
>>[GCC 2.95.2 19991024 (release)] on hp-uxB
>>Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>>>>import qt
>>Traceback (most recent call last):
>>  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>>  File
>>line 935, in ?
>>    libqtc.sipRegisterClasses()
>>RuntimeError: Attempt to create a Python instance for a NULL pointer
>All I can suggest is to add printf()s in sipAddClassInstances() (in
>siplib.c) to work out the instance that's failing.
>Before the call to sipNewCppToSelf() print the value of ci->ci_name to
>determine the class, then look up the table for that class in
>registerClasses() in qtcmodule.cpp to find the instance.
>The odd thing is that the relevant value is always the address of a Qt
>object, which implies a linker problem.
the failed instance is "whatsThisCursor" and from within 
registerClasses() instance is Qt::whatsThisCursor.
this is the output:
Python 2.1.1c1 (#13, Jul 23 2001, 11:03:24)
[GCC 2.95.2 19991024 (release)] on hp-uxB
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
 >>> import qt
laurentDebugging in siplib.c:sipAddClassInstances(), ci->ci_name = qApp
laurentDebugging in siplib.c:sipAddClassInstances(), ci->ci_name = null
laurentDebugging in siplib.c:sipAddClassInstances(), ci->ci_name = nbsp
laurentDebugging in siplib.c:sipAddClassInstances(), ci->ci_name = 
laurentDebugging in siplib.c:sipAddClassInstances(), ci->ci_name = 
laurentDebugging in siplib.c:sipAddClassInstances(), ci->ci_name = 
laurentDebugging in siplib.c:sipAddClassInstances(), ci->ci_name = null
laurentDebugging in siplib.c:sipAddClassInstances(), ci->ci_name = 
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
  File "qt.py", line 935, in ?
RuntimeError: Attempt to create a Python instance for a NULL pointer


	|  Laurent Claustre               | eMail: claustre at esrf.fr     |
	|  BeamLine Instrument Software   | Phone: +33 (0)476 88 29 12  |
	|  Support Group  (BLISS)         | Fax  : +33 (0)476 88 25 42  | 
	|  Experiments        Division    | Central Building Room 150   |
	| ------------------------------------------------------------- |
	|            European Synchrotron Radiation Facility            |
	|   6 rue Jules Horowitz BP220 38042 Grenoble Cedex - France    |

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