[PyKDE] precompiled rpm-Packages (any links?)

Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Mon Aug 19 17:02:01 BST 2002

On 19-Aug-02 Marc Schmitt wrote:
> I'm looking for some precompiled SuSE packages. As a PyQt user I
> can say it's a great stuff and so easy, so I'd like use PyKDE
> too. But unfortunatly I wasn't able to find any rpms. I tried
> to compile  PyKDE-3.3.2-2.tar.gz on my own but after several
> "configure" errors I gave up. The last one was 
> Error: Couldn't import qt module from PyQt -- from line 671 in
> build.py 

The line that's failing is:

    from qt import PYQT_VERSION

You can try this line in the Python interpreter and see if it works
there. Possible problems would be that the PyQt and PyKDE versions
don't match (both need to be 3.3.2) or that build.py is being run
with a different version of Python than the one that has PyQt
installed - if you check the line above in the interpreter be sure
to use the same path to invoke the interpreter that you used to
invoke Python to run build.py. In general, Python isn't finding the
symbol PYQT_VERSION in libqtcmodule.so for some reason, or else
isn't finding the PyQt module at all.
> which is wrong, because an "import qt" just works fine. But,
> instead of compiling the package myself, any (suse)rpm package
> would already make me happy. So, does anyone have a url for me? 
> (btw, I think there should be a link to the latest precompiled
> packages somewhere, to save lots of people from the compiling
> issue) many thanks, 

There aren't any PyKDE rpm's that I know of. Debian has packages
available (they still require compiling) and someone from FreeBSD
was working on adding PyKDE to the 'ports' system (which also still
requires compiling).

The biggest problems with building packages for PyKDE are time,
storage space and bandwidth. PyKDE in the latest (compressed)
release is a little over 600KB; the compiled libs and other stuff
run over 15MB (uncompressed), plus the current release contains
support for all platforms, KDE from 2.1.1->3.0.2, any corresponding
Qt version, different gcc versions, Python from 1.5.2 forward, etc.

If anyone wants to volunteer to package for specific
versions/distributions, I'll provide whatever assistance I can.


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