[PyKDE] Quitting invokes crash handler

Jim Bublitz jbublitz at nwinternet.com
Thu Aug 29 22:02:24 BST 2002

On 29-Aug-02 Frederick Polgardy Jr wrote:
> Fascinating.  If I add a 'w = None' after returning from
> a.exec_loop(), the  crash problem goes away....  It's also
> interesting that this wasn't happening with Python 2.1.3
> yesterday (the Debian packages for 2.2 were uploaded last
> night).
> Ideas?

w = None works for me too, and is much better than restricting
KApplication variable names to three letters (I don't know why, but
that worked). A 'del w' (which is effectively the same) will work

The w = None is at least reasonable - it points to some problem
with 'w' (KMainWindow) needing to be destroyed before the 'exit'
code runs. Between that and the sensitivity to the length of a
variable name, it appears to be some sort of memory allocation or
pointer error - it could be a Python 2.2 problem also in that case.

Once again, I'd love to fix this but have no idea where to begin.


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