[PyKDE] Unresolved symbols when linking with Windows2000, Qt-3.0.1, PyQt-3.0.0

Ulrich Berning ulrich.berning at desys.de
Fri Jan 11 13:47:21 GMT 2002

I get unresolved symbols when linking PyQt-3.0.0:


H:\devel\qt\win32\PyQt\PyQt-3.0\qt>nmake -f Makefile.win32-msvc

Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance-Dienstprogramm: Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.

        link /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:windows /DLL /OUT:libqtc.pyd
   Bibliothek libqtc.lib und Objekt libqtc.exp wird erstellt
sipqtQDateTimeEditBase.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes
  "public: virtual bool __thiscall
QDateTimeEditBase::qt_property(int,int,class QVariant *)"
  (?qt_property at QDateTimeEditBase@@UAE_NHHPAVQVariant@@@Z)
sipqtQDateTimeEditBase.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes
  "public: virtual bool __thiscall QDateTimeEditBase::qt_emit(int,struct
QUObject *)"
  (?qt_emit at QDateTimeEditBase@@UAE_NHPAUQUObject@@@Z)
sipqtQDateTimeEditBase.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes
  "public: virtual bool __thiscall
QDateTimeEditBase::qt_invoke(int,struct QUObject *)"
  (?qt_invoke at QDateTimeEditBase@@UAE_NHPAUQUObject@@@Z)
sipqtQDateTimeEditBase.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes
  "public: virtual void * __thiscall QDateTimeEditBase::qt_cast(char
const *)"
  (?qt_cast at QDateTimeEditBase@@UAEPAXPBD at Z)
sipqtQDateTimeEditBase.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes
  "public: virtual char const * __thiscall
QDateTimeEditBase::className(void)const "
  (?className at QDateTimeEditBase@@UBEPBDXZ)
sipqtQDateTimeEditBase.obj : error LNK2001: Nichtaufgeloestes externes
  "public: static class QMetaObject * __cdecl
  (?staticMetaObject at QDateTimeEditBase@@SAPAVQMetaObject@@XZ)
libqtc.pyd : fatal error LNK1120: 6 unaufgeloeste externe Verweise
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'link' : Rueckgabe-Code '0x460'


System Environment:
Qt:       Qt-3.0.1 Commercial (configured all modules, no plugins)
Os:       Windows 2000 Sevice Pack 2
Compiler: Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0 Service Pack 3


I have changed QTLIB, CXXFLAGS in the Makefiles and added winspool.lib
to the list of LIBS:

QTLIB = qt301.lib

Compiling and Linking PyQt for the Qt-3.0.0 evaluation version works
(after changing the Makefiles).

When I configure Qt to build the styles as plugins, I get more
unresolved symbols for every style
that is configured as a plugin.

Regards, Ulli

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