[PyKDE] Linking of PyQt libraries taknig long time

codegrunt at rubbercookie.com codegrunt at rubbercookie.com
Wed May 22 16:18:00 BST 2002


I am in the midst of compiling PyQt from source. The compiling works fine,
but just the linking stage has taken more than an hour now. I would just
like to double check if this is normal, or whether it is possible that the
linker is stuck in some busy loop.

Last message:
link /NOLOGO /SUBSYSTEM:windows /DLL /OUT:libqtc.pyd @D:\DOCUME~1\KIANWI
Creating library libqtc.lib and object libqtc.exp

Windows XP
Visual C++ 6.0 (vanilla, no SPs)
Qt 3.0.4 Evaluation
ActivePython 2.2
sip 3.2.4
PyQt 3.2.4 (Qt 3.0.4 Windows)


Kian Win

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