[PyKDE] Qt shutting down the process/Python interpreter - necessary?

Ingo Krabbe i.krabbe at dokom.net
Fri Nov 8 17:45:01 GMT 2002

It is quite reasonable for Qt to break down when fatal error occure due
to an errorneous initializing of the whole system.  It's like pressing
the gas pedal of a car without ever turning the key first.  Since Qt has
quite complex initializing mechnisms which optimize the work during a
running program this behaviour increases debuggability and consistency.

It is no parameter of compiled programs that they should break down on
program errors, its just a reasonable parameter of Qt not to start in
wrong environments.  It is left to you to check for a server BEFORE
creating a QApplication as a client.

I also don't know where you want to put your "-qws" argument inside your
application.  Though this is possible this should in neither case be
acceptable style.  The QApplication class provides a constructor for
this operation and you should use that:

if QwsIsStarted():	# QwsIsStarted() is an own function that tests
			# for a server, see below.
	app = QApplication( argc, argv, QApplication::GuiClient )
	app = QApplication( argc, argv, QApplication::GuiServer )

As documented in the Qt Documentation:
QApplication::QApplication ( int & argc, char ** argv, Type type )
Constructs an application object with argc command line arguments in argv.

For Qt/Embedded, passing QApplication::GuiServer for type makes this application the server (equivalent to running with the -qws option). 

On the other hand if you want to use "-qws" as an option, why don't you
start a script that restarts your application with "-qws" if the
operation fails.

There are many solutions to the problem which all rely on your knowledge
of a server running.  You should think about a test function that I
called QwsIsStarted() as an example here.


On Fri, Nov 08, 2002 at 12:26:54PM +0100, Michael Lauer wrote:
> Hi,
> in Qt there are certain places, where exit() is called, for instance,
> if you construct a QPaintDevice before a QApplication, the process ends.
> This behaviour - while perhaps being reasonable in a compiled language -
> seems truly inappropriate in the context of an interpretated interactive
> and dynamic environment such as the Python interpreter.
> It would be much more useful if this would raise an exception, like,
> PyQtException, which we could catch and react appropriate - for
> instance, generating the application object and trying again.
> It's especially bugging me in Qt/Embedded, where the offending exit()
> call is triggered, when you create a QApplication in client mode but
> no QWS server is running. It would be sufficient to just recreate the
> QApplication with the appropriate parameter (-qws), but I can't because
> my interpreter is being shutdown [see below] :(
> ========================================================
> mickey at gandalf:~/work/elan$ python
> Python 2.2.2 (#1, Oct 27 2002, 17:30:06) 
> [GCC 3.2 (Mandrake Linux 9.0 3.2-1mdk)] on linux2
> Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
> >>> import qtpe
> >>> try:                           
> ...  a=qtpe.QApplication([])
> ... except:
> ...  pass
> ... 
> QSocket::writeBlock: Socket is not open
> QSocket::writeBlock: Socket is not open
> QSocket::writeBlock: Socket is not open
> No Qt/Embedded server appears to be running.
> If you want to run this program as a server,
> add the "-qws" command-line option.
> mickey at gandalf:~/work/elan$ 
> ========================================================
> This behaviour is due to the following code:
> ========================================================
> void QWSDisplayData::waitForConnection()
> {
>     for ( int i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) {
> 	if ( csocket ) {
> 	    csocket->flush();
> 	    csocket->waitForMore(2000);
> 	}
> 	fillQueue();
> 	if ( connected_event )
> 	    return;
> 	usleep( 50000 );
>     }
> #else
>     if ( connected_event )
> 	return;
> #endif
>     qWarning("No Qt/Embedded server appears to be running.");
>     qWarning("If you want to run this program as a server,");
>     qWarning("add the \"-qws\" command-line option.");
>     exit(1);
> }
> ========================================================
> Now, my question... is there something I can do at python level
> or is there something we can do at PyQt level to change this behaviour?
> Yours,
> -- 
> :M:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Dipl.-Inf. Michael 'Mickey' Lauer  
> mickey at tm.informatik.uni-frankfurt.de 
>   Raum 10b - ++49 69 798 28358       Fachbereich Informatik und Biologie
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