[PyKDE] compiled vs interpreted languages and Qt

gvermeul at grenoble.cnrs.fr gvermeul at grenoble.cnrs.fr
Sat Sep 21 12:33:01 BST 2002

> >
> > Good, that would be a simple solution.  I'll contact trolltech seperately
> > to make sure this is acceptable...  If anyone else is interested in the
> > response (ie, what are the developer's obligations when using an
> > interpreted language), let me know and I'll forward the respone when I get
> > it.
> I'm having a discussion with Eirik at the moment.
In this context:

Am I allowed to build and release a binary version of PyQwt for Windows,
that works with PyQt-3.4-NC?

According to point (3) and (4c) of the Qt non-commercial license version 1.0,
I am allowed to do so and should have the means to do so.


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