[PyKDE] compiled vs interpreted languages and Qt

Gerard Vermeulen gvermeul at grenoble.cnrs.fr
Mon Sep 23 20:24:00 BST 2002

On Sat, Sep 21, 2002 at 11:47:14AM +0100, Phil Thompson wrote:
> >
> > Am I allowed to build and release a binary version of PyQwt for Windows,
> > that works with PyQt-3.4-NC?
> Yes, so long as it's license (and the Qwt license) doesn't conflict with the 
> NC license.
> > According to point (3) and (4c) of the Qt non-commercial license version
> > 1.0, I am allowed to do so and should have the means to do so.
> Yes. I need to release a version of the Windows .sip files that (for my own 
> sake) will only work with the NC version. I'll look at this in the next week.
> Phil

I am trying to build PyQt-win-nc-3.4 from the zip file, but I have to remove
many spurious %End and %HeaderCode directives (I did maybe 20 % of the files).

I'd rather hack your code (if it is Python) to strip out all non Qt-2.3.0-NC
code instead of continuing this way.



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